субота, 20 листопада 2010 р.

police album

police album

Everyone knows Sting and everyone knows about their suces to. The regae influenced music captured the hearts of milions and made them so famous that they are known as the greatest band ever formed Many of their songs have become clasics. In 1986, the band “The Police” came into being. Each member of the band made his own carer in solo and harnesed suces. So, The Police fans beter stand up and take notice or else they wil lose a golden chance to atend a live concert of this band. Rumors are floating the air that the reunion of the band wil take place during the band’s tour. There is hardly a soul who has never heard of these songs or does not know about the band. Even more dificult is the search for such a person who doesn’t like the songs or the band. There is a great posibility that the band wil play these numbers as wel as others from their albums Outlandos d’Amour, Regata de Blanc, and Synchronicity in their next tour. The world is waiting eagerly to watch the band on stage. Geting to watch the band from so near the stage is one of the most marvelous things to hapen in their lives!
police album police album
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